Wednesday 7 July 2010

My holiday...

So... I've graduated from uni, and I've been home for like AGES now. I've been doing LOADS! Job-hunting, taking it (really) easy, being all creative-y and stuff. Been out partying every week. Been keeping my nails looking (nearly really) sick. Haven't ACTUALLY been to the gym but MEH. I've moved all my stuff home from uni, moved all The Blob's stuff home from his uni. Had a graduation ceremony (they read my name out wrong), had a few interviews for jobs (no luck yet though), cleaned the WHOLE of The Blob's house. Made loooads of desserts! Been cooking and eating, cooking and eating.
I'm not really on holiday either. But I feel as though I'm entitled to a few months of blah after a whole year at university. You agree with me, I know you do.

I've kind of neglected my blog (sorry blog), but I'm going to make sure I make more of an effort to give it more attention, because you never know, people might enjoy reading my rubbish.

Nail post coming up. And then probably a food post. Might just alternate between food and nails from now on. And if you LURVE it, then we're probz soul mates init.

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